NASA CASE - How a group of NASA renegades transformed mission control par Heracleous L., Wawarta C., Gonzalez S. and Paroutis S.
Publication en anglais Sloan Management Review 5 April, 2019
GOOGLE CASE - Case study
par Edelman B. and Eisenmann T.R. Publication en anglais Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. 2010
GOOGLE CASE - Keeping Google Googley.
par Groysberg B., Thomas D.A and Berkley Wagonfeld A. Publication en anglais Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. 2009
HP CASE - Innovation at HP: The role of the Innovation Program Office (IPO)
par Burgelman R.A. and Meza P.E. Publication en anglais Stanford Graduate School of Business SM172-PDF-ENG 2008
NATURIS CASE - Managing resources for corporate entrepreneurship
par De Vita R., Sciascia S. and Alberti F. Publication en anglais International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 9(1): 63-68 2008
BP CASE - Chief Technology Officer's office: Driving open Innovation through an Advocate Team
par Wolcott R.C. and Lippitz M.J. Publication en anglais Kellogg School of Management. NorthWestern University. KEL366 2007
DSM CASE - Stamypor
par Neiland R., Leuverink I., van Hoven F., van Wely M. and Vanhaverbeke W. Publication en anglais Richard Ivey School of Business Case 905M72 2005
DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY CASE - Internal Entrepreneurship at the Dow Chemical Company
par Burgelman R.A. and Meza P.E. Publication en anglais IMD Ref. IMD-3-1117 2003
LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES CASE - The future of the New Ventures Group
par Chesbrough H.W. and Massaro A. Publication en anglais Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing HBS No. 9-601-102 2001
ACORDIA CASE - Improving firm performance through entrepreneurial actions: Acordia’s corporate entrepreneurship strategy
par Kuratko D.F., Ireland D.R. and Hornsby J.S. Publication en anglais Academy of Management Executive 15(4): 60-71 2001
NOKIA CASE - The innovative organisation: Why new ventures need more than a room of their own
par Day J.D., Mang P.Y., Richter A. and Roberts J. Publication en anglais The McKinsey Quarterly 2: 21-31 2001
NOKIA CASE- Corporation innovation & efficiency in a high growth global firm
par Doornik, K. and Roberts, J. Publication en anglais Stanford Graduate School of Business. 2001
IBM CASE - Waking up IBM: How a gang of unlikely rebels transformed Big Blue
par Hamel G. Publication en anglais Harvard Business Review 78(4): 137‑148 2000
par Kanter R.M. and Heskett M. Publication en anglais Harvard Business School Case 9‑300‑085 2000
W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES CASE - Waking up IBM: How a gang of unlikely rebels transformed Big Blue
par Reid Townsend, D. and Harder, J. Publication en anglais Darden Business Publishing, University of Virginia. Ref. UV3176 2000
NESPRESSO CASE - Innovation and Renovation: The Nespresso Story
par Miller, J. and Kashani, K. Publication en anglais IMD International IMD-5-0543 2000
XEROX CASE- Xerox Technology Ventures: March 1995
par Lerner J. and Hunt B. Publication en anglais Harvard Business School Case 9-295-127 1998
3M Case - Innovation at 3M Corporation
par Thomke, S. and Nimgade, A. Publication en anglais Harvard Business School Case 9-699-012 1998
TOSHIBA CASE - The birth and growth of Toshiba's laptop and notebook computers: A case study in Japanese corporate venturing
par Abetti Pier A. Publication en anglais Journal of Business Venturing novembre, 1997 p.507-529
PROCTER & GAMBLE CASE - Corporate New Ventures at Procter & Gamble
par Amabile, T.M. and Whitney, D. Publication en anglais Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. 1997 No. 9-897-088.
SIEMENS NIXDORF CASE - The Change Agent Program at Siemens Nixdorf
par Kanter, R.M., McGuire, J.F. and Mohammed, A. Publication en anglais Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. 1997 HBS Case, No. 9-396-203.
SIEMENS NIXDORF CASE - The Change Agent Program at Siemens Nixdorf
par Kanter, R.M., McGuire, J.F. and Mohammed, A. Publication en anglais Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. 1997 HBS Case, No. 9-396-203.
MERLIN-GERIN CASE - The rise and fall of the Merlin-Gérin foundry business : A case study in French corporate entrepreneurship
par Badguerahanian, L. and Abetti, P.A. Publication en anglais Journal of Business Venturing 1995 HBS 10 (6): p.477-493.
3M CASE - Profile of an innovating company.
par Bartlett, C.A. and Mohammed, A. Publication en anglais Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing. 1995 HBS No. 9-395- 016
POLAROID CORPORATION CASE - Joline Godfrey and the Polaroid Corporation
par Bartlett, C.A. and Mohammed, A. Publication en anglais Harvard Business School Case 9-492-037 1992
NEES ENERGY INC. CASE - Engines of Progress V : 1984-1990.
par Kanter R.M., Quinn G. and North J. Publication en anglais Journal of Business Venturing 7: 73-89 1992
OHIO BELL CASE - Engines of progress: designing & running entrepreneurial vehicles in established companies - The Enter-Prize Program at Ohio Bell, 1985-1990
par Kanter, R.M. and Richardson, L. Publication en anglais Journal of Business Venturing 6: 209-229 1991
KODAK CASE - Engines of progress: designing & running entrepreneurial vehicles in established companies; the new venture process at Eastman Kodak, 1983-1989.
par Kanter R.M., Richardson L., North J. and Morgan E. Publication en anglais Journal of Business Venturing 6: 63-82 1991
3M CASE - The Post-It Note: An Intrapreneurial Success
par Fry A. Publication en anglais S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, 1987 52(3): 4-15
SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM CASE - The Post-It Note: An Intrapreneurial Success
par Kao J. and Blome J. Publication en anglais Harvard Business School 1986 Case 9-487-041