Jamie QIU

Founder and Managing Partner 

Ex-Founder & Director of EY’s Startup Accelerator + Head of Open Innovation Ecosystems

Previously Managing Director of Startupbootcamp’s Fintech Accelerator, Dubai, City.

Also ​

AI Ambassador for London, Enterprise innovation strategist, startup advisor, venture-builder.

Mad Skill

Amateur improvisational theatre actor, having performed various times across London over the past 10 years.

I try to infuse principles of improvisational theatre into my work and approaches.

Jamie's philosophy

« Intrapreneurship is a tide that lifts all boats »

Intrapreneurship isn’t only for these selected few — it’s for everyone — and a vital organisational component in any future proofed company

Davide TURI

Founding Partner

Former Intrapreneur for FTSE 100 and multi-billion market cap companies across EU

Lean Startup coach and venture builder at MassChallenge, Wayra UK, Virgin Startup, Imperial College London and UCL

Co-founded 4 startups, 1 exit

Also ​

8 times published book author and university lecturer

In the 90’ Davide was a Producer, Indie Record Label owner and Musician for a punk hard-core band 

Mad Skill

Davide hikes anywhere as similar as possible to the Alps. He also manages to stay afloat on his sailing boat.

Davide's philosophy

 « Intrapreneurship is like tango. It takes two « 

Intrapreneurship is the sustainable way for leaders and entrepreneurial talent “to do more with less” and innovate by keeping costs under control ​

London-headquartered Innovation Studio – UK


Founded in April 2018 

10+ employees ​: strategists, product experts, designers & intrapreneurs

150+ solutions launched
2,000+ intrapreneurs trained 

Intrapreneurship is our focus, we help organisations develop intrapreneurial capabilities for innovation 

We blend learning with practice,  applying the right techniques to real-life customer challenges to deliver tangible innovation outcomes.

We execute solutions and measure our success by the impact your own intrapreneurs make

Sony Music Entertainment

Wellcome Trust
UK Civil Service

Contact us for

  • Strategic alignment – innovation direction   
  • Internal innovation –  bespoke workshops 
  • Learning & Development – tools and methods  
  • Sharing thoughts, coffee, or Mentoring

Try our Intrapreneurship Challenge  and our  Intrapreneurship Foundations Online Course